Adding a transmitter/subscriber to the Security Escort database is done as follows:
First step is to set up the ID Receiver. The ID Receiver is the receiver that will be used to add in new transmitters. From the main page in the Security Escort console select setup from the main menu at the top of the screen. Then select system preferences. On the system preferences screen press the button labled with a question mark that is associated with ID Receiver and select a receiver that is closest to the Security Escort console. Setting the ID Receiver only needs to be done one time.
Select File, top left hand corner.
Select Subscriber database.
Press cancel to close the Subscriber find window.
Press Insert New.
Use the Subscriber Class drop down to select the appropriate classification for the transmitter being added.
Enter a Subscriber name and set a unique Subscriber ID, e.g. social security number.
Set mouse cursor on Transmitter ID. Perform a transmitter test by first pressing one button, releasing it and then pressing the other button.
The New Id Box should be filled in with an ID.
Press Ctrl V to paste ID into Transmitter ID box.
At this point you have all the necessary info entered to add the Transmitter to the system.
Fill in and complete any user information that is needed.
Add an image for the subscriber by pressing Browse next to the Image File box. File must be a JPEG.
Press Save.
This will bring you to the Find Subscriber Window. Press cancel.
Now test the transmitter and verify alarm and location .
*Note: RF3401, or the SE3401 requires you to enter the ID # into the transmitter ID box manually. Putting the device into test will not populate the New ID box as it will with the other transmitters. This ID can be found affixed to the bottom of the device.
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