If access activities from a reader are not being logged or acknowledged by an AEC system, one or more of the following issues may be occurring.
Credentials are not compatible with the reader they are being presented to. There are many makes and models of cards and readers based on different manufacturers and technologies. As a result, cards and readers can operate on different frequencies and different formats that are not always compatible. Most often, readers will either beep or change the state of their LED indicator when a compatible card is presented. To verify that your cards are compatible with your readers, contact the manufacturer of both.
The reader or reader wiring is faulted. The AEC hardware has built in diagnostics to verify that your AEC reader board is getting valid card data from your reader. When a compatible card is presented to the readers on an AEC reader board, LED12 should flash briefly. If a compatible card is being presented to the reader, but the appropriate LED is not flashing, you will need to troubleshoot your reader and reader wiring.
The reader is unlocked. The AEC system will not show access activity on a reader that is in an unlocked state. You can find out if the reader is unlocked by browsing to your Door Control link and reviewing the Current Status column. If you find that the reader is unlocked, there are three places in programming where the unlocked state could have been set
A. The first place is in that same Door Control module. If the door was unlocked manually or with a time profile, you can lock it again by using the Manual Actions in the Door Control module.
B. The second way to unlock a door is with a time profile. This is configured on the Reader Options page of the Card Readers module. Under Scheduling Options, you can select “Schedules will be used…” or “Schedules and Holidays will be used…” to unlock the door based on the time profile highlighted in the dropdown box. To lock the door again, you can either choose “Schedules will not be used to unlock this door” or manually lock the door as described in the previous step.
The third way to unlock a door is by selecting “Unlock door” in the Scheduling Options section described in the previous step. (NOTE: By default, readers 5 – 16 will be configured for the “Unlock door” option.) To lock a door that has been configured for “Unlock door,” reconfigure the reader’s programming for a different scheduling option.
The reader is configured as an Enrollment Reader. If the reader is configured as an enrollment reader, it will only provide enrollment data to the AEC software and will not provide access transactions. A properly wired reader will toggle its LED between red and green when it is in Enrollment Reader mode. To take a reader out of Enrollment mode, browse to the Card Assignment module in programming and select “Batch Cards.” On the next screen, click on “Go to Cards enrollment.” The Cards enrollment screen will have a “Cards Enrollment Reader” drop-down box. If a reader is selected in that field, that reader will act as an enrollment reader and will not pass access transactions. You can turn off the enrollment reader option by opening the drop-down box and selecting “unused.” Once that change is made, it will take effect immediately.
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