Issue A relay that is programmed for trouble is always tripped even though there is no trouble on the panel. Solution Since firmware revision 2.03A, in order for a trouble relay to show a trouble when it loses power, it must be activated when everything is normal. This way when the relay loses power, it de-energizes and can signal a trouble to whatever is monitoring it. Therefore, when a relay is programmed to operate on trouble condition (output zone 62) that relay's contacts will actually be the opposite of what is printed on them. I.e. normally open contacts will be shorted and normally closed contacts will be open. Note: In order for this relay to function properly, zones “B”, “C”, and “D” must be programmed with a value of “00”. The General Trouble output function can not be combined with any other output function. Note: When communicating to the control/communicator using RAM IV, the panel will report v2.03 software installed even when the upgrade v2.03A has been installed. Part numbers FPD-7024, D7024, DS9400, DS9400I, DS9400M
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