High Voltage (HVLT) Green - Warns of dangerous voltages when lit. Output Active (OUT) Red - Indicates that one of the NACs (1 to 4) is active. NAC Short (SHRT) Yellow - Indicates that there is a short on one of the four NAC outputs. Low Battery (LBAT) Yellow - Indicates that there is a missing or dead battery. AC OK (ACOK) Green - Indicates that the input is good and that the power supply is running from the AC line. Ground Fault (GFLT) Yellow - Indicates that the NAC output wiring has been improperly connected to an external source or ground. Loop Trouble (TBL) Yellow - Indicates that one, or both, NAC Input EOL device(s) has disconnected due to one or more of the following faults: Faulty AC power (after a delay) Low battery fault Ground fault NAC output fault EOL shorted EOL open NAC overcurrent Power supply over voltage condition
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