High Voltage (HVLT) Green - Warns of dangerous voltages when lit. Output Active (OUT) Red - Indicates that one of the NACs (1 to 4) is active. NAC Short (SHRT) Yellow - Indicates that there is a short on one of the four NAC outputs. Low Battery (LBAT) Yellow - Indicates that there is a missing or dead battery. AC OK (ACOK) Green - Indicates that the input is good and that the power supply is running from the AC line. Ground Fault (GFLT) Yellow - Indicates that the NAC output wiring has been improperly connected to an external source or ground. Loop Trouble (TBL) Yellow - Indicates that one, or both, NAC Input EOL device(s) has disconnected due to one or more of the following faults: Faulty AC power (after a delay) Low battery fault Ground fault NAC output fault EOL shorted EOL open NAC overcurrent Power supply over voltage condition
Issue What could be the cause when adding four System Sensor Horn / Strobes to a Wheelock audio visual loop, and the horns are worrking fine but the strobes are not flashing correctly. Solution When installing Audio / Visual Appliances, all devices on the loop must be from the same manufacturer. Mixing System Sensor with Wheelock or Gentex or any combination may cause the Horns or the Strobes to work intermittently or not at all. This is because each manufacturer has their own Sync Pulse Protocol to run their notification devices.
Does the D7038 have built in Sync?
No, the Sync module is needed. The D7038 Input will pass the Sync Pulse to each Output.
Sync Module Part Numbers
Brand Name Sync Module Part Number
System Sensor MDL
Wheelock DSM; SM
Gentex AVS44; AVSM
Note: If the DS9400 Series or D7024 Series panel is used with the D7038, NAC's 1 or 2 on the D7024 or DS9400 can provide a Wheelock Sync pulse. If the Eprom Revision is 2.04 or higher, either panel series can also provide a Gentex Sync Pulse from NAC 1 and or NAC 2.
Part numbers DS9400, DS9400I, DS9400M , D7024, DS9484, D7038
The FAA-325-B6S is to be used with the FAP-325, FAI-325 and FAH-325 model sensors only. The FAA-325-B6S provides an audible alarm in the immediate vicinity. Typical applications are for use in hotels, apartments, and hospitals. It is compatible with the FPA-1000, FPA-1000-UL, and FPA-1000-V2.