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    How to change SNMP Community string for Bosch cameras?

    100% helpful (1/1)

    The default Community Strings for Bosch cameras is - public. To change it, please follow the steps below.


    Step-by-step guide


    1. Enable SNMP

    How to change SNMP Community string for Bosch cameras.png

    2. Set the SNMP Community Name

    The read and write Community names are configured in the camera separately using Bosch RCP+ commands. These are:

    • 0x0b16 for SNMP read access and
    • 0x0b17 for SNMP write access.


    Refer to the RCP+ documentation for more details.

    This is easily done using the following CGI commands. Substitute the IP address of the camera and the desired change the Payload from the default of "public" to a name required for your set up.


    The CGI to change the community string for SNMP read access is:

    • http://<ip address>/rcp.xml?command=0x0b16&type=P_STRING&direction=WRITE&num=1&payload=customisedString

    The CGI to change the community string for SNMP write access is:

    • http://<ip address>/rcp.xml?command=0x0b17&type=P_STRING&direction=WRITE&num=1&payload=customisedString
    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎08-05-2021 01:20 PM
    Updated by: