Which Bosch Cameras do support APC license & prerequisites to use IVA Pro Appearance in BVMS?
Available on CPP14 cameras w/o 3000, multi or panoramic cameras.
This overview is based on December 2024 status and may change over time.
Prerequisites to use the feature in BVMS
- Camera FW >= 9.40
- Camera license IVA Pro Appearance (MVC-IVA-APC) enabled
- BVMS version >= 12.3
- Camera configured for Appearance: VCA --> Operating mode=Profile1 or Profile2 --> Analysis type: IVA PRO Appearance
- Please note: The camera VCA setting: "Silent VCA" does not generate Appearance search specific metadata.
- **Configuration of IVA Pro Appearance requires the Bosch Configuration Manager 7.74 or higher.
This is the list of attributes delivered by a firmware version >=9.40 camera with IVA Pro Appearance (MVC-IVA-APC) license enabled
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