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    ‎03-15-2024 03:23 PM
    If something is not working well in the Microsoft Windows Server it will be recorded in the Event Viewer (log files) and can indicate where the error occurs. This is a good tool for the Technical Support to figure out if there are considerable issues in the Windows and other programs.
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    ‎08-24-2021 10:36 AM
    To back up your DICENTIS Server System is one of the most important maintenance task and it should be done on regular basis. Especially if you have to set up your Server for the first time it is highly recommended to do an backup to save your system, programs , settings and so on. The reason obviously for this is if a system crash occurred you should be prepared to set up or recover the Dicentis again. This will save you a lot of trouble if it is done properly beforehand. There are four main themes to perform for a 100% save back up which will be now explained how to do it.
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