Bosch Building Technologies

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    ‎11-20-2023 09:01 AM
    Thanks to the latest AI technology and deep learning methods, the newest generation of fire detection cameras AVIOTEC 8000i IR becomes the best, fastest and more robust option for applications where traditional detectors might find limitations.
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    ‎01-19-2024 01:17 PM
    The following steps describe an efficient way to update the panel firmware in an AVENAR panel 4.x network via SD card, thus keeping downtime of the panels to a minimum. To further reduce downtime, it is recommended to network the panel nodes via ETH.
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    ‎10-18-2022 02:47 PM
    This article explain what should be done if new detectors are added to the system. 
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    ‎10-18-2022 03:46 PM
    This article presents step by step how to configure the “E-Mail Sender” function in FSM.
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    ‎10-25-2021 12:22 PM
    This article explains why the fire status display of the controller does not show all fire detectors in fire condition.
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    ‎08-04-2022 02:45 PM
    Here it is the overview of the sensitivity settings for flame and smoke detection to adjust the camera to the application of the customer
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    ‎11-17-2023 11:06 AM
    AVIOTEC 8000i IR achieves an average of 3x faster detection times compared to current Aspirating Smoke Detectors*.
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    ‎11-17-2023 11:01 AM
    Typical application areas: Industrial manufacturing; Transportation: airports & railways; Logistics and warehouses; Parking: eMobility
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