The FPA-1000, FAP-1000-UL and FPA-1000-V2 all have the option to use 2 FPE-1000-SLC Loop cards. Each loop card on panel with Firmware less then 1.09 only support address 1 to 127 on each loop card, from firmware 1.10 and higher each loop card supports address 1 to 254. So it is possible to have to devices with the same address but on different loop cards. The the panel the keypad will display the following on the top line. The Event Type (Trouble, Fire, Supervisory) follow by XX-Y-AAA.A, (XX = Panel ID) (Y = Address Assignment, 0 - Web Page, 1 - SLC1, 2 - SLC2, Mainboard, or 4 - Option Bus) Followed (AAA.A The Device Address) .
What is the part number for the dual action cover for the FMM-462?
The cover is no longer needed as Bosch offers a dual action pull station now and the part number for the Dual Action Popited Pull Station is FMM-462-D.