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    FLEXIDOME panoramic 5100i: snapshot URL returns fisheye (round).jpg image instead of de-warped image

    Possible causes and solution(s)


    • Causes


    By querying the camera on http://CameraIp/snap.jpg, it returns the fisheye (round) .jpg image instead of de-warped image



    Is there a way to request for the panoramic camera de-warped snapshot via URL?


    • Solution


    The camera must be setup as edge dewraping mode on the web interface.
    Configuration  Camera  Installer Menu
    - Application variant : FLEXIDOME panoramic 5100i - DEWRAP

    Try the following URLs:

    *Where IPaddress is the IP Address of your FLEXIDOME panoramic 5100i Bosch camera


     Also, the following Tech Note covers this topic and might be useful for you:

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎06-14-2024 03:14 PM
    Updated by: