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    How to collect the maintenance logs and save the configuration data of VIDEOJET connect 7000?

    check.png Find attached the French version of this article!


    The configuration data file and the maintenance log file might be requested by Central Technical Support team for troubleshoot & support purposes.

    Follow the steps below to collect these files.


    Step-by-step guide


    1. Navigate to the IP address of the VIDEOJET connect 7000 via web browser and authenticate on it with its credentials.

    2. Go to Settings (1) > Service (2) > Maintenance (3)

    3. Click on the "Download" button (4) next to each section: Configuration and Maintenance log

    How to collect the maintenance logs and save the configuration data of VIDEOJET connect 7000.png

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎05-31-2024 03:34 PM
    Updated by: