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    How to collect the service log files for Bosch Analog, Hybrid and Network Recorders?

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    Logs are important for troubleshooting and Central Technical Support team can ask for them to investigate certain problems.

    The steps below can be used for the following models:

    1. DIVAR AN 3000/5000 ,
    2. DIVAR Hybrid 3000/5000,
    3. DIVAR Network 2000/3000/5000

    You can collect Service logs from the unit using two methods. Both methods will save the service logs as a password protected ZIP file ( Example: ).

    1. Method 1 : from Local User Interface
    2. Method 2 : remote, using a browser


    Step-by-step guide


    Method 1: via Local User Interface using an USB memory stick:

    • Plug USB stick on the front panel of the unit
    • Log in using the administrator account 

    1 How to collect the service log files for Analog, Hybrid and Network Recorders.png

    • Right click on the Main Menu > select Export ( or Backup – for AN models)

    2 How to collect the service log files for Analog, Hybrid and Network Recorders.png

    • Select the USB drive

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    • Press Shift button on the front panel and then let go

    4 How to collect the service log files for Analog, Hybrid and Network Recorders.png

    • Press Arrow Up button on the front panel and then let go
    • One pop-up message will be displayed to save the service log. Save the service logs on the USB stick.


    Method 2: You can also collect the service logs remotely, using Microsoft Edge browser.

    🚩 How can I access my DIVAR Network or Hybrid web GUI given that Internet Explorer has been retired...

    • Start your browser and make sure that you can reach the recorder by entering the unit <IP-address> as URL.
    •  In address bar enter: http://<ip-adress>/cgi-bin/loadSvrfile/

                Important: Link is case sensitive!

    • A dialog will popup “The server <ip-address> at Device_CGI requires a username and password”.
    • Enter the recorder credentials for the administrator account


    • If the link and credentials are correct you should get a dialog box that will notify you the logs are downloaded and by clicking the "Open file" you will be redirected to the ServiceLog file location. 
    Central_Support_1-1677841594506.png Central_Support_2-1677841610516.png
    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎05-31-2024 03:37 PM
    Updated by: