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    How to configure Yahoo SMTP setting for Alarm email notification?

    The below information guide you to setup a App password usage from your Yahoo account which you can use the generated password for Bosch IP camera alarm email notification setup.


    Step-by-step guide


    Creating App password in your Yahoo account:

    1. Sign in to your Yahoo Account Security page.
    2. Click on the "Generate App password" section to create a new password for your alarm email notification usage.
      1_configure Yahoo SMTP setting for Alarm email notification.png

    3. Give a name for the app eg. Bosch IP camera
      2_configure Yahoo SMTP setting for Alarm email notification.png

    4. Click on the Generate password button.
    5. Copy the new generated app password shown on your screen and click on the Done button.
      3_configure Yahoo SMTP setting for Alarm email notification.png

    6. Now you can use the password for the SMTP password in the Bosch IP camera Alarm email notification setup.


    Configure Alarm email for Bosch IP camera

    1. Using the web interface of the Bosch IP camera via a web browser, navigate to Configuration  Alarm  Alarm email
    2. Configure the following parameters.

      • Send alarm e-mail : On
      • Mail server IP address :
      • SMTP port : 587
      • SMTP user name : <Your yahoo account>
      • SMTP password : <Your Generated app password without space>
      • Destination address : <the email address that suppose to receive this alarm email notification>
      • Sender address : <Your email address>

        4_configure Yahoo SMTP setting for Alarm email notification.png

    3. Once the configuration is completed, click on the Set button to save the new configuration.
      You can click on the Send Now button to check if you receive the Test mail in your mailbox.
    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎05-16-2022 03:26 PM
    Updated by: