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    How to disable the Live and Playback page in VRM monitor version higher than 4.10?

    100% helpful (1/1)

    For DIVAR IP AIO systems an easy-to-use web browser-based "light client" has been implemented into the local VRM Monitor web page for live view and playback purpose.
    It is usable only for VRM attached cameras, no live only or local storage cameras are supported.

    Note: There is no PTZ control function provided by the web-page, please use another client for PTZ control.

    New Live and Playback page within the VRM Monitor in VRM >=4.10.x:



    Step-by-step guide


    • Can be done by command line during installation or later by changing a registry key.
    • The BVMS Setup can change the behavior of displaying the live/replay page on the VRM Monitor.
    • No additional dialog or checkbox is available within the BVMS 12.0 setup but an additional property was introduced.
    • New property for the BVMS setup "HIDELIVEREPLAYPAGE":
    • Property 'HIDELIVEREPLAYPAGE' can be specified by command line:

                   - The property can only have the valid value of '1'. Value '1' means live/replay page is hidden. Other values will be ignored.

                   - Setup command line example: BVMS_Setup.exe /v"HIDELIVEREPLAYPAGE=1"

                   - The property will only have an effect if VRM or SEC_VRM is selected as a feature.

                   - If "HIDELIVEREPLAYPAGE=1" is specified, the property value '1' will be written to the registry key HKLM/SOFTWARE/WOW6432NODE/Bosch/VRM, HideLiveReplayPage (DWORD) as specified in the VRM setup

                   - When not specified or a different value than '1' is given, no registry key will be written and the live/replay page is visible.

                   - Updating BVMS without the property, the previous setting remains unchanged (if the value was "0", the key will be deleted)

                   - Updating BVMS with the property set, will change the setting accordingly. The new registry setup component will be located under the VRM setup, so it will only affect systems where the VRM is installed by the BVMS setup (VRM feature selected) 

                   - Removal (uninstallation) of VRM or BVMS will also remove the registry key



    In case the HideLiveReplayPage (DWORD) is not in HKLM/SOFTWARE/WOW6432NODE/Bosch/VRM, you can create it by right clicking in the VRM registry key > select New > select DWORD (32-bit) Value > type in "HideLiveReplayPage" and set value to 0 or 1 (as you wish)


    Other command line options are described in the BVMS deployment guide  Bosch Knowledge base community: BVMS Deployment guide

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎05-29-2023 10:32 AM
    Updated by:
    Labels (6)