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    How to enable and where to get the logs for Cameo SDK Test application?

    The ports used by the Operator Client/ Cameo SDK/ Management Server/ cameras are detailed in the BVMS configuration manual Configuration Manual.



    Step-by-step guide


    To get the logs for Cameo SDK Test application, first, the Cameo SDK logging needs to be enabled.

    The internal logs are directly located in the folder C:\ProgramData\Bosch\VMS\Log and then are named like "CameoSdkLog_Instance1.txt.0". 
    To activate the Cameo SDK logging, the "Init" button has to be pressed after setting the checkbox "Internal logging" and entering an instance name - then logging is activated with the given instance name (e.g. "Instance1").

    Version history
    Last update:
    4 weeks ago
    Updated by: