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    Why is the error in the pink box when accessing VCA Tasks & Metadata Generation (Config. Manager)?



    Why is the error in the pink box when accessing the VCA Tasks & Metadata Generation (Configuration Manager)?





    One of the reason for this error when trying to access the VCA Tasks/ Metadata Generation could be generated because of the configured tasks which exceeded the Script Size limit (limit=2000 bytes) and metadata cannot be read.

    Therefore, please check the below article to find more information regarding this topic and make sure that the configured script does not exceed 2000 bytes:


    image2022-3-31_11-20-35.png If you lower the Script Size limit and this error persists, get in contact with the Central Technical Support team for a detailed investigation and provide them with your findings including the following:

    • Detailed problem description
    • Logs, diagnostics, Print Screens with the issue and videos
    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎04-18-2024 11:41 AM
    Updated by: