This article discusses the discrepancy between documented poll rates on an ITS-DX4020-G.
The Bosch Cellular Service User Guide states that for Fire applications we should go with a Poll rate of 240 Ack wait of 10. the current ITSDX4020-G O/I guide says Poll at 60 Ack wait 13. Which is correct?
240 seconds with 10 second retries is correct for the current NFPA72 regulations for Fire. This used to be 60 seconds in the old NFPA72 standard.
The D132B is a multipurpose, fully configurable, smoke power-reversing module for activating detectors with local annunciation. The module will operate both two-wire and four-wire 24 V circuits, and also works with Class A or Class B initiating circuits. An alarm latch connection is provided to allow an initiating loop to be held in alarm after the detector loop power has been reversed to activate any sounders. The module does not affect compatibility between the FACP and detectors, or the FACP and notification appliance circuits (NACs). The maximum current available from the FACP smoke power terminals or NACs limits the total number of reversible smoke detectors that can be connected to the module. Consult the FACP’s installation instructions for compatibility with the D132B Multi-Use Reversing Relay Module.
Part numbers D132B, D7024, FPD-7024
The Timer Test is not coming in. The panel history shows Off Normal Test. The panel is programmed to send all reports in CID. Central does not see an E608 CID report for an off normal test.
Contact ID Reporting. The system can be programmed to send a periodic test report, E602, in Contact ID format. If any system troubles are present at the periodic test time, a new event, E608, which states “New event, off normal at time of periodic test report” is sent. Software versions 2.03 and before sent a generic system trouble P300 report.
Part numbers DS9400, DS9400I, DS9400M, DS9431, D7024
This is a generic solution for any photoelectric device application where the device seems to keep going in and out of trouble due to alignment issues.
Part numbers DS240, DS241, D296, D297
High Voltage (HVLT) Green - Warns of dangerous voltages when lit. Output Active (OUT) Red - Indicates that one of the NACs (1 to 4) is active. NAC Short (SHRT) Yellow - Indicates that there is a short on one of the four NAC outputs. Low Battery (LBAT) Yellow - Indicates that there is a missing or dead battery. AC OK (ACOK) Green - Indicates that the input is good and that the power supply is running from the AC line. Ground Fault (GFLT) Yellow - Indicates that the NAC output wiring has been improperly connected to an external source or ground. Loop Trouble (TBL) Yellow - Indicates that one, or both, NAC Input EOL device(s) has disconnected due to one or more of the following faults: Faulty AC power (after a delay) Low battery fault Ground fault NAC output fault EOL shorted EOL open NAC overcurrent Power supply over voltage condition