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    BVMS Lite 10.0 16, 32, and 64 base licenses not available

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    Possible causes and solution(s)


    • Causes

    The Activation Key provided from SLMS cannot be activated in BVMS.

    During the introduction of BVMS 10.0 the BVMS Lite16, 32, and 64 base licenses were not introduced and succeeded by BVMS Lite 10.0 (8 channel base package). Existing BVMS Lite customers might still want to upgrade to BVMS 10.0.


    • Solution

    The LIF file attached to this article (in the zip archive) can be imported in BVMS Lite 10.0 installations using the license manager (the license manager can be found in the "Tools" menu of the BVMS Configuration Client). Once imported, BVMS Lite 16, 32, 64 systems that are covered under SMA can be upgraded.

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎08-29-2023 10:18 AM
    Updated by: