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    BVMS SDK version compatibility

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    What is the compatibility requirement for compiling SDK with BVMS?




    The SDK application should always be compiled with the SDK assembly from the same BVMS version it will work with. There is no guarantee that the operation with different versions would work smoothly.

    Given that the BVMS SDK code is backwards compatible, it means that if a newer SDK assembly is referenced, then the old code should be compliable without any changes.

    In BVMS version 10.0.1 there was a major change in implementation (Upgrade SDK environment to .NET version 4.8), therefore compatibility to versions below will not work "out of the box”.


    Nice to know.png Nice to know:

    • See here more articles related to BVMS – SDK topics.
    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎11-12-2024 03:56 PM
    Updated by: