Can I use German special characters when setting the password on the DIVAR Analog 3000?
When you are using letters in German language like ü, ö, ä for setting the password, the DIVAR doesn't take them into consideration and you will not be able to access your DIVAR. Therefore, please avoid using German letters when setting a password on your DIVAR Analog 3000.
Good to know: When you startup the system for the first time, the Startup Wizard appears where you can setup the system software. Here the default User ID is ADMINISTRATOR and the default password is 000000 (six zeros).
The system contains a permanent ‘Admin’ account with Administrator permissions, plus ‘Advanced’ and ‘User’ login account levels:
– User name: ADMINISTRATOR. Default password: 000000 (six zeros)
– User name: Advanced. Default password: 000000
– User name: User. Default password: 000000
If you are creating a new user, you have to enter a Password up to 6 characters, and confirm this by entering the password again: