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    FLEXIDOME multi 7000i & MQTT integration: Counter name is always named like the one from Camera 1

    Possible causes and solution(s)


    System overview:


    • FLEXIDOME multi 7000i NDM-7702-A with latest FW 8.80.0090
    • CM version 7.71
    • MQTT Explorer




    For each of the 4 Cameras there are 4 VCA tasks "counting" named differently:

    • for camera 1: "Counter-1-1" and "Counter-1-2"
    • for camera 2*: "Counter-2-1", "Counter-2-2", "Counter-2-3"
    • and so on.

    *For camera 2, there three counters, for the other three cameras only two.

    When looking at the MQTT explorer, the naming of the counters is always as in the first camera, so always "Counter-1-1" and "Counter-1-2".

    For the camera 2 the "Counter-2-3" is not there at all:





    If you encountered the same behavior as explained above, you can add an additional counter "Counter-1-3" to the first camera. This became visible in the MQTT explorer and then also the third counter in camera 2 will become visible but must be named similar as the one in camera 1. You must take into consideration the rule: when camera 2 has three counters, also camera 1 needs to have three counters.

    info.png Info: in camera 3 the correct counter name "Counter-3-2" gets counted correctly, even if it states "Counter-1-2" as the rule name.

    ⚠️ Note:This one above is just a workaround of this behavior!

    check.png Please note that the Firmware release v9.00 fixed this behavior. Therefore, we recommend you to upgrade your camera to this version and always keep your cameras upgraded to the latest Firmware version available in Download Area.

    See also: Release Letter CPP14 FW_9.00.0210:

    “Addressed a bug in the current camera firmware related to line crossing functionality. Previously, when a line crossing event occurred on imagers 2-4, the system erroneously returned the task name associated with imager 1. With our recent fix, line crossing events on all imagers now correctly report the corresponding task name.”

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎06-14-2024 03:28 PM
    Updated by: