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    How to connect my Remote Portal account to Video Security Client?

    Video Security Client is the market’s easy to use video surveillance application provided by Bosch for local and remote monitoring of IP cameras and appliances. The software supports small systems from 1 to 128 sites with up to 256 cameras each.

    Also, you can use Video Security Client being connected to your Remote Portal account. Please see below the limitations and how can you connect your Remote Portal account to Video Security Client.


    Remote portal site limitations:
    • Remote Portal cameras within a (leaf) group are treated as a single site
    • Remote Portal cameras without a group assignment are collected in the “Remote Portal” site
    • Recommendation is to keep cameras per group < 64, otherwise login times are very long
    • Only a single site can be connected at a time (with up to 256 cameras)
    • For larger sites a selection dialogue will be shown, to define a maximum of 256 out of the total amount of cameras.
    • The total number of cameras per Remote Portal account must not exceed 10000


    Step-by-step guide


    1. Once you are in the Video Security Client, click on the Accounts  button on the top right side and select :



    2. Choose Remote Portal


    Note: For Alarm Management detailed info, please refer to the article below:

    3. In the next window, you will have 2 login options. Choose the one that suits you:



    • If you select the first option Log in with Remote Portal account, you have to add your Remote Portal Account credentials and hit Add account button 


    • If you know your company ID or you already have configured the SingleKey ID, use the second option Log in using Single Sign-On:
      You will be redirected to the section where you have the possibility to
      • add directly the company ID in the field named "with company ID" > hit Add account button

      • select Sign in button and you will be redirected to the web page where credentials must be filled in > click Next:


        Fill in the password set when you configured the SingleKey ID account > click Continue:


        And allow opening Bosch Video Security Client app:




         And select Add account button:



    4. Status will be displayed as "Connected" > click Done



    5. Now, you are connected with your Remote Portal account through Video Security Client and you can start to live-monitor and replay IP surveillance cameras :



    Nice to know.png Nice to know:

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎05-16-2024 11:17 AM
    Updated by: