Step-by-step guide
-Navigate to the Microsoft Management Console
- Run command mmc.exe
- Go to File ---> Add/Remove Snap-in…
- Highlight Certificates and Add for Computer Account
- You should see certificates listed for Local Computer
- Save a copy of this console to the Desktop
-Run Windows PowerShell ‘as administrator’ on the MVS Server
- Run the following commands in Windows Power Shell to create the self-signed certificate including the IP address of the MVS and the DNS name so both will work when accessing from a web browser.
- $todaydt = Get-Date
- $20years = $todaydt.AddYears(20)
- New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName "mvsIPaddress",”DNSname” -notafter $20years
- If creation was successful, you will see a thumbprint with a hash as well as the subject CN=ipaddress
-Navigate back to your saved MMC console
- Find the newly created certificate under the Personal ---> Certificates directory
- Copy the Certificate to Trusted Root Certification Authorities ---> Certificates directory
-Navigate to the IIS Manager
- Highlight the server machine name on the top-left and then double-click Server Certificates
- Double-click the created certificate and verify that a private key corresponds to the certificate and that the certificate is OK under the Certification Path
- Expand the server machine name on the left to reveal the Sites
- Highlight BoschIVS
- Select Bindings… on the far right-hand side
- Edit the Binding for 443
- Select the newly created certificate under the SSL certificate dropdown
- Select OK
- Click Yes that you want to change the binding
- Add… new binding
- Type: https
- Port: 444
- Choose BoschVms in the SSL certificate dropdown
- Click OK
-Navigate to the BVMS Config Client to edit the MVS URL
- Change the MVS URL to reflect port 444
- Example: https://mvsIPaddress:444/mvs
- Red X should go away
- Save/Activate (BVMS will be bound on the new port and still be able to communicate with the MVS server
*The reason behind changing the port to 444 is to make browser access for basic users easier. This way basic users only have to enter the IP address or DNS name and do not have to enter a special port in the URL