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    What is the difference between Global VCA (from VCA task) & VCA Profile: Global (from Positioning)?



    What is the difference between Global VCA (from VCA task) & VCA Profile: Global (from Positioning)?




    1. Global VCA under the VCA task in Configuration Manager is used from default on the camera (with no specific configured VCA Rules).

    • Global VCA (in most cameras known as silent VCA) is available for every camera which supports video analytics and supports to detect any motion/object.
    • Global VCA (from VCA task) & VCA Profile: Global (from Positioning) exist in relation to each other and only on dome cameras.

    2. VCA Profile: Global (from Positioning) is  used to set the same height of the camera for all VCA profiles. The VCA profile tab under Positioning is used for AUTODOME and MIC cameras, because these cameras have the ability to pan and tilt and therefore change their tilt or roll angle, for example. You can configure for each set preposition which is bound to an VCA task a different tilt, roll angle and so on in the positioning tab.


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    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎05-13-2024 03:41 PM
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