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    What is the difference between ‘Yes, and log off’ and ‘Yes’ when closing Operator Client BVMS 12.2?



    What is the difference between ‘Yes, and log off’ and ‘Yes’ when closing Operator Client BVMS 12.2?





    Starting with BVMS 12.2, new OpenID Connect (OIDC) login options have been introduced:

    • When configured, new user login option is available External identity.
    • Moving forward, external IdP login is opened.
    • User should sign in using his IdP credentials.
    • If configured (on IdP level) it allows using Multi-factor Authentication

    As a result, user can log into BVMS using his general (IdP) credentials and authentication method in the same way, as he logs into other Windows applications.

    When closing the Operator Client, the user can decide to

    • Completely log off from IdP (“Yes, and log off” option)
      • If the machine is used by 2 or more operators, they should use this option. Whenever the Operator Client is reopened, it will be necessary for operators to authenticate with their own user and password.


    • Stay logged-in, so it’s not needed to provide credentials when Operator Client is started again (“Yes” option)
      • After reopening the Operator Client, when using external identity option, the user will be immediately logged in, without being necessary to type in the user and password again.
    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎05-24-2024 01:23 PM
    Updated by:
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