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    What is the difference when importing .csv files from tools menu or table view from Config Manager?



    What is the difference when importing .csv files from tools menu or table view from Configuration Manager?




    The one accessed through the tools menu is used to import devices into my Devices list, and populate the local database with devices without the need to do a network scan or to import devices located on a different VLAN/ Subnet, that normally are hard to reach.

    It will also work to import a great number of devices in one step, and organize them in folders/ sites for easier management.


    The one accessed thru the table view, is to import customized views of previously exported customized views. It does not import devices into the local database.



    ⚠️  Note

    The import.png icon may be missing from the table view in Configuration Manager, version <7.50.

    Therefore, we recommend to update the Configuration Manager to v7.50 or above

    You can download the latest version of Configuration Manager from Download Store

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎05-10-2023 10:56 AM
    Updated by: