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    What to do when ‘error code=1’ appears during BVMS 11 or 12.0.1 licensing process?

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    What to do when ‘error code=1’ appears during BVMS 11 licensing process?




    Follow these instructions from this article if the error below is displayed in Configuration Client - License Manager during the license activation process.



    1. First, it is recommended to make sure that you have carefully read the white paper and followed correctly every step when licensing the system (page 10):

    2. Please make sure that you activated the license in SLMS before making the upgrade to BVMS11


    3. The “error code-1” message could be caused by a missing service. Please check if the "Sentinel RMS license manager" service is running under Windows Services or if it is stopped.

    If stopped, then activate the "Sentinel RMS license manager" service and reinstall BVMS 11.


    If you encounter the same "error code = 1" message during the licensing process of BVMS 12.0.1, please be aware that the following patch BVMS1201375 Patch LicenseCS 434853,434801 is solving this behavior.

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎11-16-2023 12:50 PM
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