Why do I have only live view but no playback or timeline in Operator Client on a workstation?
System scenario:
- DIVAR IP with BVMS installed on it.
- The playback locally works but not on the workstation. There is live view, but no playback or timeline.
This issue might occur if the VRM (Video Recording Manager) password contains special characters that are not supported in BVMS.
Tips to be also checked and assure that:
- All ports are open, and there are no network restrictions.
- The camera's password has been checked and does not contain unsupported special characters.
- Playback is available from encoder if secure connection is disabled on both VRM and camera.
To determine if the issue is password related, enable "Secure Connection" on both, the camera and the VRM.
If the password is the issue, an error message should appear for the VRM.
Note: Before setting a password, refer to the list of supported and unsupported special characters in BVMS:
- The password must consist only of ASCII letters, digits 0-9 and the characters: ! $ ' ( ) * , - . ; = _ ~
- It must not contain spaces, invisible control characters or any of the following characters:" # % & / : < > ? @ [ \ ] ^ ` { | } +
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