Can I use hash tag # as special character in BVMS or camera’s password?
Hash Tag "#" is one of the few special characters, which is accepted by the camera, but it cannot be accepted on BVMS side (in order to connect to the camera) — due to the limitations of communication specifics some BVMS components are using. And as a result, communication might not work properly and "No connection" warning message in Operator Client image pane and black screen might occur:
⚠️ In BVMS Configuration Client, there's a very clear indication giving a warning, that this character should not be used:
But it still allows saving it.
If you'd be connecting cameras which had already password configured with this character (like "#") you can still add it to the system and change the password afterwards (as also clearly indicated in the prompt message). If it wouldn't be possible to save it, it wouldn't be possible to add such camera to BVMS at all.
You need to differentiate the two different types of passwords used in BVMS: