How can I set, clear and check Bosch encoder virtual alarms via CGI?
How can I set, clear and check Bosch encoder virtual alarms via CGI?
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All Bosch encoders running firmware 4.0 and above
You can use virtual alarms within encoders as a trigger to have other events take place. This is an example on how to integrate 3rd party devices/software to trigger an event to take place on the encoder. This event could be used to change any variable via ATSL (Alarm Task Script Language) - example below
Virtual Alarms via CGI
Set Virtual Alarm:
Clear virtual Alarm:
Check virtual Alarm:
Return result :
0 refer to virtual alarm is set
1 refers to virtual alarm is clear
Virtual Alarms in ATSL
if (VirtualAlarm(1)) then Relay(1) := true;
if (!VirtualAlarm(1)) then Relay(1) := false;