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    Which Browser is supported for Bosch cameras (web interface)?

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    Which Browser is supported for Bosch cameras (web interface)?




    The browser supported by Bosch cameras depends on the CPP that camera belongs to and on the Firmware version the camera has.

    This information can be found in the System Requirements section from the Release Letter of the firmware version/CPP you have:

    For example:

    CPP13, Firmware version 8.46.0030 → the supported Web Browsers for configuration purposes are:

    • Google Chrome
    • Microsoft Edge (chromium based)
    • Mozilla Firefox


    • When using browsers where Mpeg ActiveX is required → VCA, clock & date and recording dot point may not work.

    For a complete browser functionality, Mpeg ActiveX 6.34 or newer is needed. It can be used for live viewing and playback and is required for VCA configuration via Web browser interface for CPP6, CPP7 and CPP7.3 cameras with firmware versions 7.80 and beyond.


    If you would like to avoid using **Internet Explorer or it is not available anymore on your device and you want to configure VA, it is recommended to use Configuration Manager.

    ** Internet Explorer 11 desktop application has retired and is out of support as of June 15, 2022 for certain versions of Windows 10


    According to the Release Letter, Configuration Manager is used for configuration and licensing of the various products. It includes Video SDK 6.3 and latest plug-ins for VCA configuration.

    Therefore, in web browsers that do not support MPEG-ActiveX, VCA configuration is only possible via Configuration Manager. An info message to use Configuration Manager is presented, with a hint where to get Configuration Manager if it is not installed.

    You can Download Configuration Manager from Download Store > Software > select Configuration Manager


    Firefox does not allow ActiveX elements.

    Therefore, some features are missing inside the webpage.

    If you use Firefox, the issue below might arise. In this situation, CM is recommended to be used in order to access the missing elements.

    1_Which Browser is supported for Bosch cameras (web interface).png

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎11-17-2022 04:55 PM
    Updated by:
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