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    How can I get the same layout in BVMS Operator Client Favorites Tree on all workstations?



    How can I get the same layout in BVMS Operator Client Favorites Tree on all workstations?




    You can add every item of the Logical Tree to a view in the Favorites Tree to create your own subset of the Logical Tree. At any time you can display the view or add or delete devices in a view.
    When saving a view in the Favorites Tree, you save the following settings:
    – The assignment of cameras or other objects to Image panes
    – The Image pane pattern
    – The current setting of the digital zoom
    – The image section
    – The selected stream (only available for Live Mode)

    You can export any single favorites item, folder or the complete favorites tree. You can then share the exported file or files with other users or upload it on your workstations.

    To do that, follow the steps below:

    The export can be done from Live 2024-12-09_15h11_06.png or Playback menu 2024-12-09_15h11_44.png --> 2024-12-09_15h12_14.png tab . Choose the one you wish.

    Exporting favorites settings:

    1. Right-click any favorites item, folder or the favorites tree root item, and select Export.
    The Export favorites dialog box displays.



    2. Type a password that supplies the minimum complexity requirements.
    Or deselect the Protect file with password check box if protecting the export file is not required.



    3. If required, select a folder and change the file name.

    4. Click Save.



    Note: The function is only active if the user has the respective permission.


    Importing favorites settings:

    1. Right-click any position in the favorites tree where you want to import favorites settings, and select Import.
    The Import favorites dialog box displays.



    2. Select the respective file and click Open.



    3. If the file is protected, type the password and click OK.

    Note: The function is only active if the user has the respective permission.


    Nice to know.png Nice to know:

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎12-09-2024 02:21 PM
    Updated by:
    Labels (6)