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    Is it possible to change default email SMTP Port on BVMS when I am using SSL or TLS?



    Is it possible to change default email SMTP Port on BVMS when I am using SSL or TLS?

    Default port is 587, but I want to use port 25 with SSL/TLS instead of port 587. How to change that?




    SMTP port is simply configurable in BVMS:


    SMTP server name

    Type the name of the e-mail server. You get the information about the required entry from your provider. Usually this is the IP address or DNS name of your e-mail server.

    Sender address

    Type the email the email address which is used as the sender address when the system sends an email, for example in case of an alarm.


    Select the check box to enable the usage of a secure SSL/TLS connection. In this case the network port switches automatically to 587.


    Type the required network port number for outgoing mails. You get the information about the required entry from your provider.

    Port 25 is selected automatically when you disable the SSL/TLS setting.

    You can select another port if required.


    nice to know.pngNice to know:

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎12-19-2024 08:27 AM
    Updated by: