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    Is the Bosch Site Monitor App end-of-life (EOL)?



    Is the Bosch Site Monitor App end-of-life (EOL)?




    The support of Bosch Site Monitor App for iOS and Android devices will end by 31st of June 2024. Bosch Video Security App will be the replacement, which is available in the Google Play Store as well as the Apple App Store for download. Please note that in order to use the Bosch Video Security App, your cameras need to be licensed and commissioned through Bosch Remote Portal (requires firmware 6.40 or newer). Please address your local sales representative for obtaining new licenses.

    @ Android users: Please note that the push alarm notifications services on Android devices will already stop working 21st of June 2024 because of the upcoming Google Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) update.


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    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎06-04-2024 02:59 PM
    Updated by: