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    Installation error code 5100 when installing VRM 3.71.0031 or VRM 3.81.0048 and higher

    100% helpful (1/1)

    Possible causes and solution(s)


    • Causes


    In all VRM installation packages the required .NET framework package is included in the VRM installation routine.

    As Microsoft Operating Systems are expected to get and have the latest security updates applied before installing any new software component like VRM (Video Recording Manger) or VSG (Video Streaming Gateway), the installer will successfully finish the installation routine.
    The same is valid for BOSCH DIVAR IP product range: 
    The DIVAR IP Appliance installer contains Microsoft update packages available from Microsoft at the time BOSCH creates the Appliance installer. But all Microsoft Updates release after the Appliance installer release date are not included in the BOSCH package. It is therefore recommended to check for Microsoft updates whenever a Bosch DIVAR IP Appliance installer is installed.


    • Solution


    For VRM (Video Recording Manager) stand-alone Systems and Servers with VSG (Video Streaming Gateway) installed, it is also strongly recommended to check for Microsoft OS updates before the VRM Master Installer is installed/updated.

    Note: In case an error code 5100 is shown during the VRM Software installation, please ensure that all Microsoft updates for the used Operating Systems are installed and run the BOSCH Software installer after that once again. For more details Microsoft provides more informaiton here:

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎04-12-2024 09:23 AM
    Updated by:
    Labels (6)