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    What kind of licenses do I need to operate a Bosch Forensic Search inside Genetec Security Center?



    What kind of licenses do I need to operate a Bosch Forensic Search inside Genetec Security Center?




    The plug-in is provided free of charge from Bosch and it will also be operational with a regular Genetec base-license in SC 5.12 and newer.

    However - current installations with Security Center 5.10 or 5.11 need to add a free of charge license that can be obtained from Genetec. The necessary license to be ordered from Genetec is: GSC-1SDK-BOSCH-PLUGINSUITE with connections.

    Any SC 5.11 and SC 5.12 base license that was issued in 2024 and after should have unlimited connections of the GSC-1SDK-BOSCH-PLUGINSUITE feature automatically included.

    Version history
    Last update:
    2 weeks ago
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