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    Where you can find the intermediate firmware version when upgrading CPP4 cameras?

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    If you have CPP4 cameras with 6.11 firmware (FW) version and you need to upgrade them to the latest version, normally you have to upgrade to an intermediate firmware version first.

    But where you can find this firmware ?




    You need to use the CPP file (global file not encrypted) and update the camera as many time as possible to go up to 6.50 (where the FW are encrypted).

    The CPP file contains all the intermediate FW needed to update an old FW.

    CPP file → E.g.:

    CPP4 HD cameras
    o upgrade from FW < 6.10 to intermediate FW 6.11
    o upgrade from FW < 6.50 to intermediate FW 6.50
    o upgrade from FW 6.50 (<6.51) to latest FW 7.10

    Or you can switch to the CPPS global file and update until the 7.10 version for CPP4.

    CPPS file → E.g.:

    CPP4 HD and MP cameras
    o upgrade from FW 6.51 or newer to latest FW 7.10


    These files can be found here, on the Download Area.


    • More information about firmware release and provisioning status can be found here.
    • Also, find out from here: what is a CPP and where you can find it for your Bosch IP camera?
    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎11-24-2023 03:34 PM
    Updated by: