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    Which are the components that establish a connection between BVMS& 3rd party management system?



    Which are the components that establish a connection between BVMS& 3rd party management system?

    This article describes the different components that Bosch Video Management System offers to to establish a connection between Bosch Video Management System and a 3rd party management system.

    This description helps you in writing your own commands for controlling Bosch VMS from inside your management system. 




    Please note, that OPC is not the preferred solution for connecting Bosch VMS to 3rd party components. BU-ESS/MKP rather recommends using our existing .NET SDKs.


    List of used abbreviations:
    – AE: Alarms and Events
    – Bosch VMS: Bosch Video Management System
    – DA: Data Access
    – HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
    – I/O: Input/ Output
    – OPC: OLE for Process Control (OLE: Object Linking and Embedding)
    – XML: Extensible Markup Language

    For details regarding Bosch VMS OPC Server, see Bosch VMS OPC Server.
    For details regarding Bosch VMS Proxy, see Bosch VMS Proxy.
    Installation section from this article describes how to install a connection between Bosch VMS and a 3rd party management system.
    The files needed by OPC Server and Bosch VMS Proxy, are described in Configuration files.
    Example for 3rd party client (HTML file), gives an example for a 3rd party application in form of an HTML file.



    The following software components are used to realize a connection:
     Bosch VMS OPC Server
    Forwards events from Bosch VMS to the 3rd party software and forwards commands from 3rd party software to Bosch VMS.
    It is installed but not automatically registered in Windows where Bosch VMS Management Server software is installed.

     Bosch VMS Proxy
    Forwards events from Bosch VMS to the 3rd party software and forwards commands from 3rd party software to Bosch VMS.
    It is installed on each computer where Bosch VMS Operator Client and/or Bosch VMS Management Server software is installed.

     3rd party application
    As an example we provide an HTML page with code (JScript) to send commands like Show Live or Show Playback to Bosch VMS Proxy. This HTML page can be integrated in a 3rd party management system.
    It is installed on a computer where Bosch VMS Operator Client software is installed.
    You can use Softing OPC Toolbox as a 3rd party application on a Bosch VMS Operator Client computer or on a standalone computer to send commands like open/close a relays to the Bosch VMS OPC Server.


    The following image shows the connection between a 3rd party application and Bosch VMS Server via OPC Server and Bosch VMS Proxy:

    1 Which are the components that establish a connection between BVMS& 3rd party management system.png

    Figure 1.1: Connection 3rd party application – Bosch VMS Management Server


    See Bosch VMS Proxy commands that you can send from an application on 3rd party side to Bosch VMS Operator Client.

    The connection between a 3rd party application and Bosch VMS Operator Client does not need OPC Server.

    The commands being sent by the 3rd party application can be processed by an HTML file with code. For an example for such an HTML file, see Example for 3rd party client (HTML file).

    • See section OPC Server events that are sent from 3rd party server to Bosch VMS OPC Server.
    • See section OPC Server commands that you can send from 3rd party server to Bosch VMS OPC Server.


    1. Bosch VMS OPC Server

    The Bosch VMS OPC Server software is used for sending state changes of the following items from Bosch VMS to a 3rd party management system like Softing OPC Toolbox.

    The following items are available:
    – Input
    – Relay
    – Encoder
    – Decoder
    – Virtual Input
    – Camera

    Bosch VMS OPC Server has the following features:
    – Notification of state changes in cameras, decoders, encoders
    – Start and stop recording
    – Control of relays and virtual inputs, status notification of I/O objects in Bosch VMS

    On startup, OPC Server reads a Bosch VMS configuration file where all items like cameras, relays, inputs, decoders, encoders, virtual inputs are listed.
    OPC Server supports DA V.2. DA helps creating the namespace and sending commands to devices like open or close a relay.

    Note: It is not supported to directly send commands to devices via DA by changing the item’s value. To send commands use the DA item CMD. Also it is not supported to query the current state of a device using DA. Use AE instead when you want to be notified about a state change of a device.


    The 3rd party system DA namespace looks like this:

    2 Which are the components that establish a connection between BVMS& 3rd party management system.png

    This picture was made with Softing OPC Toolbox.


    1.1. OPC Server events

    OPC server notifies state changes on the Bosch VMS side with an AE event to the 3rd party Server. OPC Server events section describes the notified values.
    The following table lists all error events which Bosch OPC Server can generate.

    Interface Type Event Name State Value State Id
    Camera / Signal Presence
    Bosch.Vms.Server.VideoDevice SignalPresence Unknown 0
    Bosch.Vms.Server.VideoDevice SignalPresence Present 5
    Bosch.Vms.Server.VideoDevice SignalPresence NotPresent 353
    Camera / Brightness
    Bosch.Vms.Server.VideoDevice SignalTooBright SignalOK 5
    Bosch.Vms.Server.VideoDevice SignalTooBright Signal-NotOk 360
    Bosch.Vms.Server.VideoDevice SignalTooDark SignalOK 5
    Bosch.Vms.Server.VideoDevice SignalTooDark Signal-NotOk 361
    Camera / Noise
    Bosch.Vms.Server.VideoDevice SignalTooNoisy SignalOK 5
    Bosch.Vms.Server.VideoDevice SignalTooNoisy Signal-NotOk 362
    Camera / Too blurry
    Bosch.Vms.Server.VideoDevice SignalTooBlurryState SignalOK 5
    Bosch.Vms.Server.VideoDevice SignalTooBlurryState Signal-NotOK 377
    Camera / Motion
    Bosch.Vms.Server.VideoDevice MotionDetect Motion Detected 367
    Bosch.Vms.Server.VideoDevice MotionDetect Motion Stopped 363
    Camera / Recording Mode
    Bosch.Vms.Server.VideoDevice RecordingMode Alarm 365
    Bosch.Vms.Server.VideoDevice RecordingMode None 364
    Bosch.Vms.Server.VideoDevice RecordingMode Manual 365
    Bosch.Vms.Server.VideoDevice RecordingMode Continuous 368
    Bosch.Vms.Server.VideoDevice RecordingMode Motion 367
    Camera / Visibility
    Bosch.Vms.Server.VideoDevice VisibilityState On 790
    Bosch.Vms.Server.VideoDevice VisibilityState Off 791
    Camera / Protected Recording
    Bosch.Vms.Server.VideoDevice ExternalData   792
    Camera / Global Change
    Bosch.Vms.Server.VideoDevice GlobalChangeState Global Change not detected 378
    Bosch.Vms.Server.VideoDevice GlobalChangeState Global Change detected 379
    Bosch.Vms.Server.RelayDevice RelayState Relay Error 27
    Bosch.Vms.Server.RelayDevice RelayState Relay Closed 301
    Bosch.Vms.Server.RelayDevice RelayState Relay Opened 300
    Bosch.Vms.Server.InputDevice InputState Input Error 27
    Bosch.Vms.Server.InputDevice InputState Input Closed 24
    Bosch.Vms.Server.InputDevice InputState Input Opened 25
    Virtual Input
    Bosch.Vms.Server.VirtualInput InputState Input Closed 24
    Bosch.Vms.Server.VirtualInput InputState Input Opened 25
    Bosch.Vms.Server.EncoderDevice EncoderState On 25
    Bosch.Vms.Server.EncoderDevice EncoderState Off 24
    Bosch.Vms.Server.EncoderDevice ConnectionState NotAuthorized 0
    Bosch.Vms.Server.EncoderDevice ConnectionState Connected 25
    Bosch.Vms.Server.EncoderDevice ConnectionState Disconnected 24
    Bosch.Vms.Server.Decoder DecoderState On 25
    Bosch.Vms.Server.Decoder DecoderState Off 24
    Bosch.Vms.Server.Decoder ConnectionState NotAuthorized 0
    Bosch.Vms.Server.Decoder ConnectionState Connected 25
    Bosch.Vms.Server.Decoder ConnectionState Disconnected 24
    IntrusionPanel / Area
    IntrusionPanelArea AreaState Armed 304
    IntrusionPanelArea AreaState Disarmed 307
    IntrusionPanel / Door
    IntrusionPanelDoor IntrusionPanelDoorState Locked 314
    IntrusionPanelDoor IntrusionPanelDoorState Unlocked 313
    IntrusionPanelDoor IntrusionPanelDoorState Secured 315
    IntrusionPanel / Point
    IntrusionPanelPoint IntrusionPanelAlarmState Normal 5
    IntrusionPanelPoint IntrusionPanelAlarmState Alarm 1000
    IntrusionPanelPoint IntrusionPanelAlarmState Bypassed 2818
    IntrusionPanelPoint KeypadPanicAlarmState Normal 5
    IntrusionPanelPoint KeypadPanicAlarmState Alarm 1191
    IntrusionPanelPoint KeypadPanicAlarmState Bypassed 2818
    IntrusionPanelPoint DoorLeftOpenedState Normal 5
    IntrusionPanelPoint DoorLeftOpenedState Alarm 1059
    IntrusionPanelPoint DoorLeftOpenedState Bypassed 2818
    IntrusionPanelPoint FireAlarmState Normal 5
    IntrusionPanelPoint FireAlarmState Alarm 1086
    IntrusionPanelPoint FireAlarmState Bypassed 2818
    IntrusionPanelPoint GasAlarmState Normal 5
    IntrusionPanelPoint GasAlarmState Alarm 1106
    IntrusionPanelPoint GasAlarmState Bypassed 2818
    IntrusionPanelPoint MedicalAlarmState Normal 5
    IntrusionPanelPoint MedicalAlarmState Alarm 1156
    IntrusionPanelPoint MedicalAlarmState Bypassed 2818

    Table 2.1: Bosch VMS OPC Server Event Details


    5 Which are the components that establish a connection between BVMS& 3rd party management system.png

    Table 2.2: Bosch VMS OPC Server / Bosch VMS Proxy Error Events


    1.2. OPC Server commands

    The following table lists the commands that you can send with OPC Server:

    6 Which are the components that establish a connection between BVMS& 3rd party management system.png

    Table 2.3: List of commands (OPC Server)


    2. Installation

    This chapter describes the steps required to install the connection between a 3rd party system and Bosch VMS

    7 Which are the components that establish a connection between BVMS& 3rd party management system.png

    2.1. Bosch VMS Server


    Ensure that Bosch VMS Version 1.1.3 or higher is installed and that the Management Server is started on the Bosch VMS server computer.


    To install:

    1. Start Bosch VMS Configuration Client on the Management Server.

    2. Create a user group with one or more users and no password (see Bosch VMS online help for details).

    3. Export the configuration of Bosch VMS to BVMSConfig.xml via the menu BVMS Configuration Client (the application should be started under administrator Windows user) System->Export Device Information for OPC. The export destination folder must be \Bosch\VMS\bin\.

    Each time the Bosch VMS configuration is changed, repeat this step and restart BVMSOpcServer.exe. You perform this restart with restarting Softing OPC Toobox.


    BVMSOpcServer.exe is automatically installed with Bosch VMS Server installation. The Server installation also automatically installs OPC Core Components 2.00 Redistributable 2.20.msi which is required for running the Bosch VMS OPC Server.

    1. Create a Windows user with the name MgtS-Service with a password that complies with the password policy of the server concerned.

    Note: Ensure that this password is also configured on the BIS Server.

    2. For registering the OPC Server and setting appropriate DCOM settings, run:

    Note: run in in terminal started under administrator Windows user

    3. Confirm the password for the MgtS-Service user configured earlier.

    4. Edit Bosch.Vms.BISProxy.config for the user credentials of the administrator user (see Bosch VMS Proxy Configuration File, page 17 for details).</installation directory></installation directory>


    2.2. Bosch VMS Operator Client and 3rd party client

    We recommend using a dual monitor system.
    Configure the IE security settings:

    1. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
    2. Select the Security tab.
    3. Select Trusted Sites.
    4. Click Custom Level.
    5. Enable the options Download unsigned ActiveX controls and Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe and click OK.
    6. Click Sites:
    7. Deactivate the option Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone and add the name of the 3rd party server computer.
    8. Add your custom web page to the trusted sites.


    In one particular case editing the configuration file Bosch.VMS.BISProxy.config is recommended: if the client computer has multiple network adapters installed, enter the IP address of the LAN network adapter manually in the configuration file.


    • Enter the IP address of the client computer.


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>




    <add IsServerMode="o">

    <!–<add Host=""/>→

    <add Login="Admin"/>

    <add Password=""/>



    Start the Operator Client of Bosch VMS, select the Bosch VMS server and log on using the same account as configured with Configuration Client.



    3. Bosch VMS Proxy

    Bosch VMS VMS Proxy has the following features:
    – Displaying a selected camera on a Bosch VMS monitor (Bosch VMS supports maximum 4 digital monitors)
    – Starting instant playback for a pre-configured time period
    – Starting and stopping Bosch VMS Operator Client from the 3rd party side

    The Bosch VMS Proxy is implemented as a COM server, i.e. the delivery is a DLL which is installed and registered as part of the Bosch VMS server and client installation. The COM server implementation allows for accessing the Bosch VMS Proxy functionality from either C++/C# code but also from scripting code like JScript.
    Currently both ways to access the Bosch VMS Proxy functionality are used for the 3rd party system/Bosch VMS connection: access via JScript from within the 3rd party system client (browser based client using HTML with embedded JScript code) and access via C++ code from within OPC Server.
    Bosch VMS Proxy forwards 3rd party system-triggered commands to Bosch VMS, see Bosch VMS Proxy commands section.


    3.1. Bosch VMS Proxy commands

    Some commands like Show Live Image or Playback are forwarded directly to the Bosch VMS Client via Bosch VMS Proxy without OPC Server due to performance reasons.
    The following table lists the available commands that can be forwarded from the 3rd party client to Bosch VMS via Bosch VMS Proxy.

    8 Which are the components that establish a connection between BVMS& 3rd party management system.png

    Table 4.4: List of commands (Bosch VMS Proxy)


    Use the GUIDs from BVMSConfig.xml.

    Show Live / Show playback image
    These commands display a camera image in the next free Image pane of Bosch VMS Operator Client or in the selected Image pane if all Image panes already display camera images.


    Start/Stop Bosch VMS Operator Client
    Bosch VMS Operator Client is started/stopped after 3rd party system logon, via JScript. To achieve this, a Proxy method is called which starts/stops the Bosch VMS Operator Client. The method gets an XML string as parameter which describes the command. Additionally the command has another parameter containing the user name of the Bosch VMS user.
    Note: Do not configure a password for this user.

    The command looks like this:

    <nsPV:Command xmlns:nsPV=file:///S3K/Proxymanager Name=”LaunchOperatorClient”>
    <nsPV:Parameter Name=”Login” display name=”Login” ... >[Bosch VMS user]</
    To stop the Bosch VMS Operator Client:
    <nsPV:Command xmlns:nsPV=file:///S3K/Proxymanager Name=”TerminateOperatorClient” />
    The user is asked to confirm exiting the application.


    4. Configuration files

    This section describes all configuration files that are required for the connection of the 3rd party system and Bosch VMS.
    To initialize the OPC Server correctly, its configuration is built during the startup of the server by reading BVMSConfig.xml. and BVMSCommand.xml.
    To obtain BVMSConfig.xml, you export this file from within Bosch VMS Configuration Client after each configuration change.

    Note: Bosch VMS OPC Server discards state changes from unknown addresses and ignores commands on unknown addresses (filtering via GUID).


    • BVMSConfig.xml

    To create BVMSConfig.xml use Bosch VMS Configuration Client (see Bosch VMS Server section). This file lists all Bosch VMS devices with their name and their unique identifier. This file is used as input for the OPC server.

    Structure of a configuration file:

    9 Which are the components that establish a connection between BVMS& 3rd party management system.png

    – Camera: Data of a Camera item (name and identifier of the component).
    – Relay: Data of a Relay item (name and identifier of the component).
    – Input: Data of a Detector item (name and identifier of the component).
    – VirtualInput: Data of a Detector item (name and identifier of the component).
    – Decoder: Data of a Decoder item (name and identifier of the component).
    – Encoder: Data of an Encoder item (name and identifier of the component).

    Description of the attributes:
    – Name: name of the component
    – id: unique 128 bit key of the component (identifier realized as GUID)


    • BVMSCommand.xml

    The Bosch VMS Proxy command file is automatically installed on the Bosch VMS server machine (for example, in \Bosch\VMS\AppData\BVMSCommand.xml).


    The definition of an item’s command is stored in BVMSCommand.xml. The OPC server also reads these data on startup and depending on the item type (camera, relay, etc.) these data is stored in the properties of the CMD item. Additionally all command items have an attribute id as GUID, which identifies a relay, virtual input, or camera.

    A possible structure of the file can look like this:

    10 Which are the components that establish a connection between BVMS& 3rd party management system.png

    – Camera: definition of the commands for the item type Camera
    – VirtualInput: definition of the commands for the item type Virtual Input
    – Relay: definition of the commands for the item type Relay

    An example for displaying a camera on a monitor can look like this:
    <nsPV:Command Name="ShowLive" OPCServerKlasse="OPCBVMSOpcServer"
    Anzeigename="Show Camera" Description="Display images on a monitor" ID=“id as GUID“>


    • BVMSOpcServer.xml

    The OPC Server reads this file during initialization. If the file is not present, the OPC Server uses default values which are displayed in the example below.


    Example of a file:

    <BVMSOpcServer debg="0" disconnectionTimeout="0"/>

    The file evaluates two values: debug and disconnectionTimeout.

    The following values are possible for debug: 1 or 0.

    If debug = 1, OPC Server logs all notifications coming from Bosch VMS in %CommonApplicationData%\Bosch\VMS\Log \BVMSOpcServer.xml

    On an English Windows OS, %CommonApplicationData% usually is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data

    1. disconnectionTimeout specifies the number of seconds to wait for the next update of the Error item (Malfunction), when the connection to Bosch VMS gets lost.
    2. disconnectionTimeout is only required when the connection to Bosch VMS is lost very often for a short time (< 20 s).
    3. BVMSOpcServer_Commands.log contains commands received from BIS Server to send to the Bosch VMS Proxy.
    4. BVMSOpcServer.log contains connect/disconnect messages and processed Bosch VMS events.
    5. BVMSOpcServer_Events.log contains events received from Bosch VMS Proxy.


    • Bosch VMS Proxy Configuration File

    The Bosch VMS Proxy configuration file is automatically installed when installing either a BVMS client or a BVMS server (for example, in \Bosch\VMS\AppData \Bosch.Vms.BISProxy.dll.config).

    This file contains information about the Bosch VMS Proxy execution mode, an optional client host IP and the credentials to be used for logging on to the Bosch VMS SDK.</installation directory>


    For server installations, the configuration file defaults are:

    <add IsServerMode="1"/>

    <add Login="Admin"/>

    <add Password=" "/>

    These settings cause that the Bosch VMS Proxy is started in server mode (which is a precondition for properly collaborating with OPC Server) and that SDK commands are executed using the given user credentials.


    For client installations, the configuration file defaults are:

    <add IsServerMode="0"/>

    <!–<add Host=""/>→

    <add Login="Admin"/>

    <add Password=" "/>

    These settings cause that the Bosch VMS Proxy is started in client mode (which is a precondition for triggering client commands like ShowLive) and that Bosch VMS SDK commands are executed using the given user credentials.

    The Host setting is optional and should only be set to the IP of the LAN network card in case of multiple network cards (e.g. a WLAN or a second LAN network card) being installed in the client system



    • Bosch VMS Proxy Logging Configuration File

    The Bosch VMS Proxy logging configuration file is automatically installed on the Bosch VMS client machine (e.g. in \Bosch\VMS\AppData\BISProxyLogCfg.xml for English Windows). This file configures the Bosch VMS Proxy Log4Net logging settings.


    • Example for 3rd party client (HTML file)

    A sample HTML file with JScript code used for sending commands to Bosch VMS is available in \Bosch\VMS\Samples\BVMSProxySample.htm.

    For the list of commands used in this sample, see Bosch VMS Proxy commands, from above. The GUIDs are taken from an example BVMSConfig.xml.


    • Other OPC commands :
      • The up to date sample commands can be found in
        C:\Program Files\Bosch\VMS\Samples\OPCServer, such as:
        • Close Relay
        • Close Virtual Input
        • Open Relay
        • Open Virtual Input
        • Start Recording
        • Stop Recording



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