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    How the video stream management works when using the Remote Portal connect feature?

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    How the video stream management works when using the Remote Portal connect feature?

    Does the cloud-service simply initiate the connection between device and client, or throughout the video stream as well? 

    For example:

    Assuming a Remote Connect, the camera is viewed by Video Security App (connecting via Remote Portal) — but physically connected via a local WiFI (LAN). 

    • Does the video stream (from camera to client) remain only on the LAN?
    • Or, does the video stream need to first process 'through' the cloud?




    When using the Remote Portal connection, the LAN connection (local link) is disabled. It means that all video goes through the cloud: Camera > Remote Portal tunnel > VSC App

    This behavior was implemented in Video Security App version 3.2.

    youtube.pngFind out now from this video about our Bosch Remote Portal and its great benefits for installers!

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎01-11-2023 04:25 PM
    Updated by:
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