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    Conference & Discussion

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    ‎11-27-2024 02:31 PM
    To send or receive a multicast Dante stream for example from different languages it will require some DCNM-LDANTE licenses but if you only need it for import and export audio signals the DCNM-LSYS includes already one channel (floor).
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    ‎11-27-2024 02:31 PM
    The DICENTIS cannot handle more than one enabled NIC at the same time and this could lead that it choose the wrong NIC and interrupts the system. This will be specially important if you use your own Server. To solve this problem it is necessary to precisely define the DICENTIS NIC. These next few steps will show you how to do that.
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    ‎11-27-2024 08:27 AM
    The Conference protocol is a platform-independent protocol which is based on Web-Socket technology to enable scalability of the DICENTIS system and it connects with the DICENTIS web server. This is a small introduction to test if the web socket is basically working and if the connection is right.
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