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    ‎03-15-2024 03:25 PM
    In some cases the log file from the Dicentis Server become too big and it has to be cleared to reduce the size from time to time. The normal size is between 10MB and 50MB depending on the operation time but it should normally not grow over 100MB. If it does exceed, is most likely a fatal error within the DICENTIS system which produce a lot of logging each minute. It could be possible that the driver of the Network Card (3rd party Server) to become intermittent and the log file to grow to 300MB. In the next steps we will show you how to clear the logging.
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    ‎08-24-2021 05:20 PM
    Possible causes and solution(s) Causes   The Dicentis does not need any additional encryption to be set via the OMNEO Firmware Upload Tool. (OFUT) If you have set this by accident it could lead to that you can not see or update your units with the OFUT any more.   Solution:   stop the Firmware Upload Tool delete the following file  C:\Program Files\Bosch\OMNEO\Firmware Upload Tool\FirmwareUploadHIConfig.ini start the Firmware Upload Tool   Encrypted devices did not show up and you can not update them anymore. Do not set a password for default!   Open and delete this file  C:\Program Files\Bosch\OMNEO\Firmware Upload Tool\FirmwareUploadHIConfig.ini   Open the OFUT and units will appear again.  
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    ‎01-03-2023 08:20 AM
    If you can't see the DICENTIS Server Console Item in the right tab anymore this article will help you to surface them again.
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    ‎06-30-2021 11:10 AM
    In some cases, especially if you use a 3rd party PC as DICENTIS Server, it could be necessary to update your network driver. For example, if discussion units show a red LED from time to time or your DICENTIS is dropping out it could be related to the network driver. Be aware that a normal Windows Update will not refresh this driver and you have to update it manually!
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