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    Which is the max. iSCSI recording sessions of DIVAR IP AIOs?



    Which is the max. iSCSI recording sessions of DIVAR IP AIOs?




    Available details for recent DIP AIOs:




    iSCSI sessions

    iSCSI sessions are the connections from a device to the iSCSI target. There is a limit to the amount of sessions that can be made to an iSCSI target, the limitation is determined by the Microsoft iSCSI target of the operating system, and the hardware which is used for that device (CPU and memory load), as well as the limitations of the software running on the system; VSG, VRM-based recording, BVMS decoding.

    Each device recording to an iSCSI target, uses one iSCSI session. If a Workstation plays back one or more streams, either through VRM, or direct iSCSI connection, this also uses one iSCSI session per connected Workstation. If instead of VRM playback, direct iSCSI playback is configured, each workstation connecting to the iSCSI target will take one iSCSI session each while playing back.


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    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎06-13-2024 09:01 AM
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