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    Where can you find the firmware version of DSA E2800?

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    Where can you find the firmware version of DSA E2800?




    Option 1:

    Can be found in the Support Bundle file under “Firmware Inventory” as seen below.

    Here is an article where is explained:

    1-Where you can find the firmware version of DSA E2800.png

    Option 2:

    1. Go to SANtricity System Manager > Support > Support Center

    2-Where you can find the firmware version of DSA E2800.png

    2.Scroll down to the "View storage array properties" section:

    3-Where you can find the firmware version of DSA E2800.png



    A) If you would like to search for the BVMS version that can be used according to the firmware version of your DSA E2800, please check the following link:

    B) The Serial Number (SN) of your DSA E2800 is displayed under Support > Support Center in the upper right corner:

    4-Where you can find the firmware version of DSA E2800.png

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎05-11-2023 10:53 AM
    Updated by:
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