Getting a dialer error #2 at the central station. What is this error and what causes it SC4000, SC3100, SC2104, D6690, RF2000, D6695, SC9000, ST-1000, D6200
We are getting a dialer error #3 at the central station, what causes the dialer error #3? SC4000, SC3100, SC2104, D6690, D6695, RF2000, SC9000, D6200, ST-1000
SafeCom receiver generates an RF Trouble for a remote, but only when the Remote transmits an actual event to the SafeCom receiver. When events are no longer being transmitted and polls from the remote are received successfully, the RF Trouble restores until the next event is transmitted. SC4000,SC2104,SC3000
How long will the C472 transmitters stay keyed up before they stop transmitting, and how long does the transmitter have to wait before it can send signals again C472
I have phone supervision enabled on my C601. If a phone jack is left off-hook, the module eventually goes into phone line trouble. What voltage is the module looking for? C601