We are getting repeated dialer errors at the central station what could be the cause of this error ? SC4000, SC3100, SC2104, SC9000, RF200, D6690, D6695, D6200
We are getting a dialer error #3 at the central station, what causes the dialer error #3? SC4000, SC3100, SC2104, D6690, D6695, RF2000, SC9000, D6200, ST-1000
Getting a dialer error #2 at the central station. What is this error and what causes it SC4000, SC3100, SC2104, D6690, RF2000, D6695, SC9000, ST-1000, D6200
This guide would be useful if a relay needs to be triggered from an access event to a external system.
Ex: to sound a siren, turn on an LED, trigger another external relay, etc.