How to program Point Type 11: AUX AC Supervision?
When configuring a point as Point Type 11, how should I set the point response, and how does this point type work with AC fail?
What is the correct part number of the printer module for the D9412 and D7412? D9131A,D9412G,D7412G,D7212G,D7412,D9412,D7212,D9412GV2,D7412GV2,D7212GV2,D9412GV3,D7412GV3,D7212GV3
Keypad displays check zone, then displays the zone number.
Check followed by zone# or zone #'s indicates which points must be tested or bypassed before arming the system. Any zone on the control can be programmed to check before arming as well as multiple zones. Some systems are programmed this way to check for proper operation of the zone or zone's before it will allow you to arm. To disable this feature follow directions below.
1. Enter pgm mode
A. At the keypad enter the 5 digit programmers code followed by #0 ie... 98765#0, should now be in program mode (Led keypad will toggle leds back and forth)(alpha keypad will display program mode). If not, press the S1 switch located above zone 1 on the control.
B. Once in program mode enter 20 00000#
C. Press the * key for 3 seconds and release it. Should now be out of program mode.
Reattempt to arm the system.