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    Why I cannot login to VRM Monitor?

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    Why I cannot login to VRM Monitor?




    Video Recording Manger v4.00.0070 does not allow anyone not configured in VRM, only as an admin (using Configuration Manager), to log into the VRM Monitor page. BVMS users are no longer able to login and a message is displayed that they require administrative rights. Even new BVMS users created in the default Admin group do NOT have access any longer.

    For example, login to VRM Monitor is no longer possible for user type “live”


    Live and Replay function was removed from VRM v3.83.0021 for ‘srvadmin’ user. All other BVMS created users are able to login to VRM Monitor and see live and replay video without the ability to restriction this function.


    If you have an earlier version of VRM, lower than v4.00.0070 and you would like to restrict the login option to VRM Monitor for other users than admin, you need to upgrade the VRM to the latest version.

    Important Note: Downgrade from version 4.00 to an earlier version is not possible.


    ⚠️Please be aware that VRM 3.82 or higher is available as 64 bit version only (no 32 bit version available). When upgrading from a VRM 32 bit version to a 64 bit version SSL certificates will be removed and have to be added manually to the system.

    Exception: self-signed certificates will be replaced automatically.


    o For proper installation certain prerequisites e.g. latest Windows updates are required. For further information please refer to the knowledge base article.

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎11-15-2022 04:47 PM
    Updated by:
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