The DataLock system uses lockcodes to lock panels from programming by unauthorized programmers. A Datalocked panel has a lockcode in memory that the 5200 must match to one of the lockcodes in the 5200 lockcode records before the programming session can continue. If 5200 cannot match the lockcode in the panel, the programming session is terminated.
I get to the FPA-1000 browser Start page. When I click on Login I get the following message: Invalid PIN - A PIN must be a 4 Digit number. Please check that Number Lock is On. What should I do?
Add the FPA-1000-UL IP address to the list of trusted sites, and your login will work correctly. A Crossover cable is required to connect directly to the panel.
To enable JavaScript and cookies in Internet Explorer, add the FPA-1000-UL IP addresses to the list of Trusted Sites:
Tools menu: Select Internet Options.
Select the Security tab.
In the settings for Trusted Sites, click Sites.
Add the FPA-1000-UL IP address to the list of trusted sites.
When using Wheelock / Cooper / Eaton Exceeder LED 3 Strobes and Horn Strobes on a UL Listed Bosch Fire panel a DSM or SM Wheelock Sync Module is required.
Part Numbers for Flush Mount Smokes - FPC-500, FCP-500-C, FCP-500-P, FAA-500-BB-UL, FCA-500, FAA-500-TR-P, FSP-500, FCA-500-E, FAA-500-TR-W, and FCP-500-C-P. To make ordering easier please refer to the Product Data-Sheet and order the kit part numbers.