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    FAQ: Video IT Products: DIVAR IP Family, DSA E Series & HP Workstations and Servers

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    Collection of FAQs for Service and Support about Video IT Products (3rd party storage devices):

    • DIP 6000 & 7000 R2
    • DIVAR IP AIO 5000/ 7000
    • DIVAR IP all-in-one 7000 (gen 3)
    • DSA E2700 (EOL)
    • DSA E2800
    • HP Workstations
    • HPE Servers


    • Why does the customer have to confirm to the Central Technical Support team that something is wrong with the IT Product? The customer can also do that himself. This way of working is only creating a delay.
      • The quality of issues reported by customers strongly depend on the respective technical level. All what Bosch Technical Support is asking for is some clear evidence for the reported failure, such as screenshots, detailed failure description (system beeps, LED is blinking), logfiles. Quite often, a customer requests a hardware replacement of a component or even of a complete unit but the real reason for a solution malfunction is something different, such as software issue, network problems, misconfiguration.
      • This way of working does not create any delays in the process if the required information is already provided when the issue is reported the first time. The information is needed to clearly identify the failed part, which in turn then allows fixing the reported issue with the first attempt. It helps to avoid sending out the wrong part(s), analyzing the issue repeatedly etc. Thus, in the end, it saves time and money.

    • Why does the customer have to register his product?
      • All current NetApp and DIVAR IP systems are coming with a Next Business Day Hardware Parts Replacement Service Level Agreement. The IT Partners don't have any insight where the Bosch systems are installed. To stick to the agreed Service Level the IT Partners need to plan for replacement parts stock and for field engineer resources somewhere close to the installation site. The planning of the IT Partners is based on the provided registration information. If a system is not registered in case of failure the warranty of the system is not affected but the Service Level. This means, Bosch STS and the respective IT Partner will handle a reported issue but the resolution time, e.g. delivering a replacement part, will be delayed.

      • Where and why should 3rd party devices be registered?


    • Will my system be supported if it is “In Warranty” but has not yet been registered?
      • The system will be supported whether or not it has been registered upfront. A valid registration at the point in time of the failure enables the IT Partner to keep the Next Business Day Service Level. Registration requests provided once the system already encountered a failure will influence the Service Level, i.e. customer will face delays in receiving a replacement part, but will not affect the warranty of the system. 
        Please note: registering a system is not a fast process but will take several weeks to take effect.

    • Why does it take longer than a day to ship replacement parts when we say next business day onsite?
      • Prerequisites to the Next Business Day obligation:
        • The system needs to be properly registered upfront not when an issue already has occurred
        • The NBD Service Level refers to hardware (built-in firmware) related issues, not to software or firmware issues
        • The hardware issue and the right failed part needs to be identified and confirmed
        • Restrictions of NBD Service Level in certain regions / countries, e.g. due to political reasons, geographical reasons
      • The Service Level obligation of the IT Partner begins once the issue has been identified and confirmed. Any delays in the initial interface with the customer will not provide the expected result. This is why it is so important to provide in the beginning as much information and details as possible.
      • Next Business Day does not mean, “I call in this evening and the replacement part will be onsite by tomorrow morning”. Next Business Day for example means:
        • Scenario 1:
          • A hard drive has failed and the issue is identified at 1pm by supplier’s Support Team on Thursday
          • A replacement hard drive or a technician will be sent onsite the Next Business Day Friday
        • Scenario 2:
          • An issue has been reported on Tuesday
          • The root cause, e.g. a defect RAID Controller, is identified after 2pm by the supplier’s Support Team on Friday same week
          • A replacement hard drive or a technician will be sent onsite the Next Business Day Tuesday next week

    • Why is IT Partners not going onsite when there is a problem? We say next business day onsite
      • The agreement we have with the IT Partners, as stated in all relevant information such as data sheets, installation manuals, is “Next Businesses Day Hardware Parts Replacement”:
      • It includes that the respective IT Partner will ship out replacement parts once identified and confirmed (s. above) to the provided ship-to address. If the replacement part is not a field replaceable unit (FRU) a field engineer will come onsite for replacing the failed component. 
        Please note: The field engineer does not necessarily carry the replacement part with him but this in general will be sent to the provided ship-to address independently.
      • It does not include any form of onsite trouble shooting. The IT Partner will help remotely to identify the correct failed part by asking questions, requesting logfiles, screenshots, photos etc.

    • Why do I have to provide ship-to details even I have my system registered?
      • An IT Partner will always ask for confirmation of the ship-to address before sending out a replacement part. Due to potential changes in the customer organizations or of System Integrator responsibilities since the system was registered, the ship-to address might have changed and must be reconfirmed. Thus, it is always best to provide the ship-to details already in the beginning when reporting an issue.

    • Why do we only replace parts and not the complete units via advanced exchange?
      • IT systems are built modular where the objective is to onsite replace only components and not to ship complete systems back and forth. In general, the goal is to identify the root cause for the failure, i.e. the failed component, in order to swap a part. This reduces time and cost of transportation as well as the high rate of returned systems with no fault found.
      • Complete units are only replaced either if the system cannot be repaired onsite by replacing components via a trained and certified field engineer or in case of a confirmed DOA (confirmation by Bosch STS/ IT Partner).

    • When can a customer or System Integrator repair a failed system himself?
      • All IT products have some components that are field replaceable, so called FRUs, such as hard drive, Power Supply, Fan. A trained System Integrator may swap these FRU parts if no additional technical help is required from his side. A trained and certified field engineer must replace all other non-FRU parts. Please note: If untrained personnel perform a replacement of a non-FRU part, the warranty of the respective system is void.

    • Why do I have to return the replaced failed parts?
      • Replaced failed parts need to be returned to the respective IT partner. Every shipment contains a return label; if not it can be requested via Bosch Bosch Technical Support or the respective IT Partner handling the support case. If a customer is not able or willing to return a part, he will be charged the cost for the replacement part unless there is a special agreement in place, which entitles the customer to not return the failed part, e.g. Non-Returnable Disk Option from NetApp.

    • Why is Bosch Central Technical Support not doing the service?
      • Bosch Central Technical Support will always act as the initiator for action by the respective IT Partner:
        • Bosch BT has sold the products and is responsible for Service & Support
        • The customer always should contact the Bosch Central Technical Support in case of any issues
        • The customer must never been told to contact the respective IT Partner directly
      • All IT products sold via Bosch BT require in-depth knowledge for failure analysis and repair. The respective IT Partners are able to provide global Service & Support for these systems. Bosch Central Technical Support is not set up to provide onsite support for field replacements on a global base. The IT Partners offer global Service Level agreements, global presence and trained onsite experts for fast and reliable repair and replacements.

    • What is the scope of work of an onsite field engineer?
      • We have a hardware replacement agreement in place. A field engineer is not trained on any Bosch BT applications nor is he aware of what is running on the Bosch BT systems. Shutting down a system without knowing what is running on it might lead to data corruption or even data loss. Therefore, no hardware field engineer is allowed to touch a customer system except for the hardware parts. Once the part has been replaced, the field engineer will not boot up the system as he does not know how the system/ applications are configured but should wait until the customer booted up the system (to an OS level) and verify whether the system behaves as expected. The Bosch BT IT products provide some options in the boot menu that allow the system to be reset to factory defaults, which in turn would result in data loss. Therefore, the field engineer will not carry out tasks that would put him on risk to take the liability for the system.

    Note: The customers’ requests are handled according to the Bosch Support and Service guidelines and according to the:

    • Divar Service Policy
    • NetApp Support Services
    • HP & HPe policies 


    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎02-14-2023 10:23 AM
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